Hong Kong Protest Typography

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2021 Jan 12 - Apple Daily

From Apple Daily HK:
Around the time of the massive crackdown on the democratic faction for organizing a primary election late last year, Apple Daily posted this graphic commenting on the banning of a common protest slogan,「香港人加油」"Hongkongers add oil". The darkness steadily closes in on the phrase until it disappears.

The radicals [⺡] and [⺒] of the character [港] are removed until it becomes [共] of [中共] (the commonly used shorthand for the Chinese Communist Party.

Source: Apple Daily HK

2021 Jan 19 - Yuen Long

From Apple Daily HK:
At present in Hong Kong, freedom becomes a prisoner. Yuen Long District Councilor "陳敬倫" uses barricadesm pasting black boards, combining them with barricades to create an inscription.

The characters [自由] "freedom" are turned on their side to make prison bars.

Source: Apple Daily HK